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ChomeisoScientific name:Peucedanum japonicum
Japanese name:botanbofu
What is Chomeiso?
Chomeiso, a plant of the parsley family, grows wild on Yonaguni Island, the western-most island of Japan. On sheer cliffs battered by the waves, this plant grows indomitably in the face of relentless sunshine and salty sea breezes. Due to this astonishing vitality, which allows Chomeiso to grow on the desolate cliff faces of the natural environment, this plant has been loved by the people since ancient times and revered as a food resource that encourages longevity.
Features of Yonaguni Chomeiso
- Uses Chomeiso grown at a medicinal plant production site (Yonaguni Town)
- Cultivated on Yonaguni Island without agrochemicals (zero detection in relation to 407 agrochemical test items)
- Rich in polyphenols (chlorogenic acid), GABA, calcium, dietary fiber, etc.
- Safety tests concluded (Ames test, single-dose oral toxicity test in rats)
Chomeiso cultivation
Sprouting Chomeiso
Small, delightful flowers